IPA house of IPA Section of Serbia, Vikend naselje 103

Palic is a town in the municipality of Subotica in the Northern Backa district, resort, spa and lake, seven kilometers from Subotica. Near the lake there is the first IPA HOUSE in Serbia. In the 18th century soda was extracted from the lake because the lake used to be salty, and therefore it is believed that Palic is a remain of the Pannonian Sea. The mud from the lake is healing, and in 1845 a bathroom was built and Palić became a spa. In the mid-19th century, on the north coast a beautiful park was planted, hotels were built, and wealthy citizens of Subotica built their cottages there.


Sadržaj kuće:
Svaka soba poseduje:
kupatilo, besplatan WIFI i TV

1 x jednokrevetna soba
5 x dvokrevetnih soba

Noćenje: 1.000,00 dinara po osobi
Doručak: 200,00 dinara po osobi

Posebne pogodnosti za članove IPA Srbije, koji su uplatili članarinu do 31.03. tekuće godine i čije su IPA Regije, prenele sredstva donešena Odlukom IS IPA Sekcije Srbije, za održavanje kuće:

Cena noćenja: 500,00 dinara po osobi